Home » Team Legacy UK – Interview with Damien Bradley

Team Legacy UK – Interview with Damien Bradley

by Vilius Šaltenis

There are many very fast Evo’s, GTR’s, and BMW’s on the race tracks, but have you seen many Subaru Legacy models? And the ones that go insanely fast? Yes, probably not a lot. That’s why we bring you an interview with Damien Bradley, owner of Team Legacy UK and a very good driver who reaches world records in time trials and hill climbs with his Subaru Legacy. It’s a longer interview but with lots of useful insights and great stories.

Photos by Stuart Wing

How can Team Legacy UK be described? What is it about?

Team Legacy was created in 2012 as a platform to showcase my exploits in the UK Time Attack Championship. Later the team grew to include my two brothers and their BMW M3 circuit racing cars and most recently a good friend joined the team with his circuit BMW M3 too. In 2017 I tried hillclimbing and really enjoyed it. The Legacy is now widely regarded as the fastest HillClimb production car in the UK.

How did the collaboration with Samsonas Motorsport begin?

In 2013 I met Ewen MacRae of Clark Motorsport at the Autosport show on the Samsonas stand. I was blown away by the gearboxes but didn’t have the budget for a full sequential at the time. I decided on a Samsonas dog box but soon after fitting it I upgraded to the sequential. Later I became good friends with Mick at Euro M-Sport and he has helped us with anything we have needed from Samsonas ever since. The Legacy was displayed on the Samsonas stand at Autosport in 2023 which was a huge privilege and an honour. In 2024 I was invited back to the stand without the car and it was great to finally meet Martynas in person. Martynas is an absolute Gentleman and thoroughly deserves all the success he has achieved. Representing Samsonas Motorsport at Autosport and each other event I attend has provided me with a great opportunity to explain to others the incredible quality of Samsonas Motorsport components.

How do upgrades and innovations find their way to time-attack and hill climbs? For example, if someone finds a good part or a good solution, how quickly does word get around?

The Legacy is one of the most technologically advanced Subarus in the world. We run a full catalogue of Syvecs components including the incredibly advanced S12 ECU. The car features 3 GPS units, a GT/WRC type bespoke motorsport wiring loom, Power Distribution Unit, Bosch Motorsport ABS, steering angle sensors, suspension potentiometers, MME paddle shift system etc etc. We are a very open book team and always happy to help others but there are a few team secrets that give us an advantage over the competition.

What is the story behind the Subaru Legacy? Why this model?

My 1992 Subaru Legacy started its life as a 2.0 naturally aspirated, automatic shopping car owned by a little old lady. I purchased the car back in 2008 for £500. It has gone from one of the lowest power and most basic Subarus available to being the most advanced and possibly the fastest Subaru Legacy in the world. The legacy was chosen at the time in an attempt to be different, most people were going for Subaru Imprezas or Mitsubishi Evos back then.

It’s natural that race cars are full of custom-performance parts and only a few things remain from stock. Do you feel like it’s still a Subaru Legacy despite all the upgrades? Does this car still have its “soul”?

The Legacy has a huge personality and she’s a female. Treat her right with lots of care and attention, the occasional Gucci gift and she is very happy. When she’s happy our trips across the UK and Europe are great fun, treat her badly and things go wrong very quickly!

What is special about the Time Attack and Hillclimb disciplines? Why is the team involved?

From 2008 through to 2013 I had watched my motorsport heroes complete in Time Attack and I had a dream of one day joining them. In 2013 that dream became a reality and the Legacy became quite a sensation in club level Time Attack. In 2014 I lost my best friend Simon Roe to cancer and Time Attack lost some of its appeal. In the search for an alternative motorsport discipline I was encouraged by close friend Steven Darley to look at Hillclimbing. A visit to what is now my favorite hill and I concluded that Hillclimbing was only for really crazy people. To drive incredibly powerful cars up such a narrow strip tarmac would take massive amounts of skill, lots of confidence and a little insanity. I decided this was the sport for me! Several years later and I have become a huge fan of Hillclimbing in the UK and Europe. Plans for the future are to attempt to break the class record at Doune HillClimb in Scotland making the Legacy the first car in the history of British Hillclimbing to hold all the national hill class records at the same time. Next we will develop the car to be competitive in Europe and try our luck there.

Where are the fractions of a second hidden, especially in hillclimbs? Is it down to the sheer performance of the car, the set-up, the conditions, or is it more down to the skill, effort and psychology of the driver trying to stay on the edge of a very sharp blade?

Reliability is key for success. We only use companies with tried and tested components. Our Samsonas gearbox has been incredibly reliable and whilst others are plagued with issues using other manufacturers our Legacy keeps on going. Our parts catalogue on the Legacy is great but the people involved in looking after and developing the car are amazing. Paul Blamire is our mapping Guru and is known world wide as being one of the best in the business, he is always on hand either in person or remotely. Steven Darley and his son James help with building the car, repairs, fabrication and Steven also drives the car and holds several records.

One huge factor is our success is team work. Steven and I often dual drive and this gives us a significant advantage. Discussing racing lines, braking points and gear selection helps massively.

What are your future plans for this year and maybe even beyond?

Ultimately and budget permitting we have a dream of competing in the Legacy at the world famous Pike Peak International HillClimb.

Photos by Stuart Wing

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